[AipuWaton]How are the cables manufactured? Wearing Process

Shielded cables play a crucial role in minimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI) in various applications. Heres an overview of the process:

Cable Construction:

·Shielded cables consist of a central conductor (usually copper or aluminum) surrounded by insulation.
·The shield provides protection against external interference.
·There are two common types of shields: braided shields and foil shields.

Braided Shield Process:

·Braided shields are made by weaving fine wires (usually copper) into a mesh-like structure around the insulated conductor.

·The braid provides a low-resistance path to ground and is easier to terminate by crimping or soldering when attaching connectors.

·The effectiveness of a braided shield depends on its coverage, which refers to the tightness of the weave. Coverage typically ranges from 65% to 98%.

·Higher braid coverage results in better shield performance but also increases cost.

Combining Braided and Foil Shields:

·Some cables use both braided and foil shields for enhanced protection.

·By combining these shields, energy leaks that would normally occur with a braided shield alone are blocked.

·The purpose of the shield is to ground any noise the cable has picked up, ensuring signal integrity.

Termination and Grounding:

·Proper termination of the shield is essential.

·The cable shielding and its termination must provide a low-impedance path to ground.

·This prevents unwanted noise from affecting the signal transmitted through the cable. 

In the past 32 years, AipuWaton’s cables are used to smart building solutions. The new Fu Yang factory started to manufacture at 2023. Take a look at Aipu's wearing process from video.

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Post time: May-27-2024